Formal Teaching
Critical Thought
Creative Process

Advanced Ecology (Bio 401)

Course Description
This course will address major topics in modern ecology through critical reading of classic and contemporary primary ecological literature. Topics covered include population growth and regulation, the ecological niche, species interactions, biological diversity, stability, resilience, ecosystem function, and the ecological implications of climate change. Students will also learn the “nuts and bolts” of ecological research: how to develop ecological research questions, perform their own independent research, communicate their results, and critically review the work of their peers.

Learning Objectives
The central objectives of this course are to 1) increase understanding of key aspects of the field of ecology, 2) develop skills necessary to pursue independent ecological science. These skills include:

1. Understanding the process of scientific research and discovery
2. Developing your critical thinking and hypothesis testing skills
3. Learning to read and critically evaluate scientific papers
4. Introducing statistical analysis skills to analyze scientific data
5. Developing written and oral scientific communication skills